Daily Disciplines: Day Two Hundred Twenty Six

Victor and I will be sleeping well tonight! We had an early start getting ready for Women of Witness and going with Shannon, then getting stuck in student traffic. Once we came home, we got Adam to go out on a little date. THEN we got to see Bre’s new place and we came home to have dinner. Basically I’m getting right back to what a normal Saturday would be for me, I just added a baby.

[Also, our little prince is 7 weeks old today and amazingly, getting cuter everyday.]

Daily Disciplines: Day Seventy Two

I made another appointment for another check up at another doctor today. It’s silly to be nervous about doing my regular check ups and doctor appointments, but with a little encouragement from my bff and some successful appointments under my belt I’ll have this being healthy thing on lock! ‘Yay’ for progress!

[Eating while in traffic is apparently on my list of favorite things to do.]
